Welcome to 2014 – The Year Of Living Your Dream Life

Can you feel it?

This year is going to be something special. Amazing things are going to happen.

We are going to start living our dream lives.

I’ve been given the message loud and clear that before I accept new things into my life that I need to give the rest of my life a little shake up.

How do you do this?

1. Address any issues you have.

What bothers you? What do you fight with your husband about? When do you feel unhappy? When do you need alcohol to get you through?

Stare these thoughts down. Move them around. Shake them Up. Deal with them instead of sweeping them under the carpet. Feel the pain then work out what you can do to make it different. If you always do what you’ve always done…..

Get some affirmations going to loop around your head:

I am beautiful, strong and in charge. 

I love my life and live in harmony.

I love and accept myself. 

This is your life beautiful – you can either go through it with negative thoughts dragging you down or start talking to yourself better. You’ll be surprised when other people start treating you the way you think you deserve.

2. De-Clutter. 

I did a big clear out pre-2014 but it’s not only about material possessions. What is in your life that you should let go of? Do you take on too much? Attend a weekly spin class you detest? Spend too much time with people that aren’t stimulating you? Shake it up. If you don’t LOVE something – don’t keep it.

You get to choose how you live your life.

Get rid of the SHOULDS. Make sure there is an I WANT TO in front of whatever you are planning on using your precious time for.

3. Follow Your Bliss

I love that saying and try and live by it (but geez other things get in the way!!)

Write down your list of things you love doing. Reading, having a coffee with friends, lounging by a pool, travelling, dancing, getting out in nature, growing your own food….

…and then do that. There is absolutely nothing stopping you from doing the things you enjoy everyday. You design your life sweetheart.

I want to see your love lists on your fridge or dresser or iphone – make them a constant reminder so as you pass you say, “Oh that’s right there’s that Zumba class on tonight….I’m going to make time for it as I can’t stop smiling when I am there; or,  I will get a new book today – it’s been ages since I’ve had one to take to bed.”

4. Take Action. 

You can shout I want to be healthier at the top of your lungs and have it on constant repeat in your head but if you don’t go through your pantry and throw out unhealthy items, if you don’t get yourself to that farmers market, if you don’t find yourself in the kitchen cooking anything…then nothing is going to change.

You need action and you need a plan.

So what do you want?

More free time? Impossible you say – you’ve got kids to look after! But what if you joined a gym with a creche? What if you asked for help? Got a babysitter one day a week for a couple of hours….during the day!

More money? Stop limiting your beliefs to a fixed income. What ways do other people make money? Follow your passions, believe there is more for you out there. Where can you cut back on the things that aren’t serving you? Stop feeling guilty when spending money.

There are actions you can take if you are willing to change your thinking.

5. Enjoy Now

This moment. Breathe in. What can you feel? Taste? Smell? Hear? Touch your children’s cheeks – feel how smooth their skin is. See their smiles and smile back. Think about only now. You are only present now. In this moment. The past doesn’t matter and the future is not here yet. Don’t miss out on these moments by being somewhere else.

Life is a constant cycle of learning and improving but I try and take joy in it’s change and it’s lessons. 

Mistakes are learning opportunities and if you don’t take the lesson then the cycle will be repeated over and over until you change something. Take action. 

Laugh. Don’t take everything so seriously. Do crazy dances with your kids. Take them to the park and race them. Say what is on your mind. Be who you are. Go to a day spa and don’t think one guilty thought. Jump in puddles. Eat that ice-cream. Cancel on that committee meeting. Kiss your husband. Appreciate the best things about you. Love without fear. Educate yourself by reading constantly. Move that body of yours. Eat to nourish, not to be skinny. Take joy in food. Say I Love You more.


Can you feel it? 

Amazing things are going to happen. 






  1. Oh Nicola – I so loved this! It totally spoke to my soul… Thank you!! I’m bookmarking it and coming back to it when I need reminding. Xxx

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