The Beauty In Looking After You

We rarely take time out to ask ourselves, “What do I want? What do I need?”

With an avalanche of needs pressed upon us from children, husbands and others we don’t often get the chance.

We make ourselves stressfully busy then collapse in a heap at the end of the day to zone out, often snapping at our children and spouses as we go about our day.

How do we change that? How do we make each moment count?

I collapsed at lunchtime today onto the couch to meditate – thankful that Leo had finally gone to sleep and I was grumpy.

I had thought about my meditation time and checked the clock, willing it to be nap time throughout the busy morning.

The kids had gotten up at 5;20am, I’d baked a cake for Leo’s birthday, I had completed my errands and I was impatient for me time.

But it was not until I was lying on that couch, thankful to be in that position that I realised I hadn’t been present in my busyness.

This morning consisted of millions of giggles, hugs, Leo attempting to toilet train himself, shopping with my little boy for his birthday present and playing the Hungry Caterpillar game with Julian. I’d spent time with my husband and assessed the house for the decluttering needed when a birthday is approaching.

A beautiful morning and I was grateful on reflection, sad to realise I’d snapped, “What!!” more than a few times and taught Julian the phrase, “A quick game is a good game.” but I am kind to myself.


It’s ok to have mornings like that. Days. Weeks. We just need tools to make sure that we are still present, are still kind, are still Mothering ourselves.

Because a little rest, a good sleep and a beautifully uncluttered house is all I need to get back to the amazing Mother I am. A little looking after myself and the kids benefit immensely.

For me I often feel over-whelmed when:

  • There is too much clutter in the house
  • We haven’t had enough time in nature
  • An extra task has been put upon me (ie birthday party) in my already crammed life
  • I haven’t had enough down time

If you can’t get rid of some things (the clutter because you are too tired, the birthday parties) then just be kind to yourself.

Stress to yourself that there is no need for perfection.

Because you are a beautiful Person. 

A beautiful Mother. 

A beautiful You. 


Free to be me!!!!


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