A Productive Morning

Today’s Mantra I fill my body with nourishing foods

I love reading about other people’s routines (almost as much as I love seeing menu plans and what’s in other people’s trolleys!) though I know that what they are writing are the edited “on their best day” version of the routine.

My day has been pretty good so far so thought I’d share mine.

Six am is the new seven at my house. We all roll through these phases and I find it’s better to just go with it for a while, eventually it will return to normal.

So we get up in the dark, listening to the tail end of the storm. The kids are delighted to have their Daddy back.

Julian is pretty happy with the presents from Daddy.

Leo is not so sure.


I make a delicious breaky of kale and poached egg and a kale and orange smoothie.



Then find a new way of preserving my greens.


I do some Yoga.  I use a cool App on my iphone called Yoga Builder. It lets you develop your own sequences and routines and put it to music. So I do my favourite Yoga poses to Coldplay, Beyonce and Buble. I have a hard time getting through the moves as the dogs want to join in.


Kids however were not bothered (I was babysitting and Leo was asleep),  this was the view from my mat.


Then headed out to do some errands with the kids and Julian fell asleep in the car.



Lunch was leftover brown rice and quinoa salad. I was craving warmth though as it is freezing so I put it all in the frying pan with some coconut oil to heat it.


Leo will go for a sleep soon and I have a friend coming over for a playdate.

Then I’m going to make some spinach and ricotta canneloni and clean up the disaster I’ve left the kitchen in.

Tonight is usually family dinner night but we’re giving it a miss so it wil be dinner, bath, bed for the kids and then some relaxation time for my husband and I in front of the fire on this cold stormy night.

Happy Tuesday!




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