Wine for health!


Ok, so what to do when you are eating organic, drinking green smoothies and supplementing your diet with ideal nutrients but are partial to a tipple?

Though I try my hardest, there are just some days that aren’t complete without a glass of wine. Wine is famous for it’s preservatives and can ruin anyone’s healthy intentions. After my recent girl’s night out I didn’t have a hangover  (thanks to the dancing breaks from drinking) but I felt…toxic.

Thanks to Miranda Kerr and the awesome Kora Organics blog, I learned about Organic One wines. To be truthful I was desperate to like them but I can honestly say they taste amazing. I spoke to the owner after an online purchasing mix up and he preached about health to me for over half an hour. He spoke about the nutrient density of the soil and the vitamins and minerals he adds and the nature of preservative free wine. He promises no hangovers and “joy in every glass”.

I can tell you that I experience joy with this wine and the sparkling (for $18 a bottle and free shipping) is my absolute favourite.

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