
Today’s Mantra: Balance the Scales

When my husband surprised me for my birthday and got me tickets to Backstreet Boys and New Kids on the Block I’m pretty sure he wasn’t thinking he’d be at home with two sick kids…and be sick himself. 

I had a better time than I expected although I laughed (at BSB and NKOTB) as much as I enjoyed them. I went with four girlfriends and we had a beautiful dinner first, with wine, gossip and fun. At the concert we danced and screamed when our fave songs came on and giggled about how old they’d gotten. We weren’t so happy when they told us how long we’d been fans (over 20 years!).


Getting home at midnight is not something I relish. Knowing that Daniel was sick too meant that it would be me doing the night shift. I think Leo knew. He didn’t get up till 7am. He has only ever done that once and it was a long time ago. 


Unfortunately Julian is still really sick and feverish and cried out for us during the night. I ignored him when he said “I want my Dad” and just snuggled in beside him till he fell asleep. 

I know that he’s really sick as he didn’t complain once when I told him he couldn’t go to a birthday party today.


Although I try to stay healthy, I’m having visions of myself getting sick as we leave for our upcoming holiday.

Oh well, at least I can collapse on a sun-lounger.  


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