Constantly Inspired

I read two absolutely beautiful blogs this week that have just inspired me to soak up the joy in life.

To be authentic. To try and live for me and not for other’s expectations.

One is:

A Little Piece Of Me by my gorgeous friend Suzie, over at Naturopop about how beautiful life can be when you experience the little moments for what they truly are: the fabric in which you wrap your life in.

And the other is from my friend Amy, over at Seek Act Love on her vision for 2014 and hope of connection. Isn’t that what we all want? People who get us? People who appreciate us for who we are?

When you think about it, how often in life do you do things because it is expected of you? How often do you hold back original ideas and thoughts, fearful they won’t go down well or that it means you won’t be going with the flow?

I think we all need to start stepping out of our box a little more, having the courage to speak up when things aren’t sitting right or we are not feeling joy…because at the end of the day we get to dive back into our safe harbour.

With our beautiful children, our husbands who stand with us as our partners in life, our families who love unconditionally and the friends that really, truly have our backs.

I hope you read these pieces and feel what I feel, awash with appreciation and gratitude that these words can articulate what we are feeling and remind us that life is wonderful.

Life is beautiful.


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